Men I like ... for what they've done

There's one real unfair thing about being a man/boy. You can't talk about other men you admire - not for their looks, but for what they do. You're instantly classified as gay. It's one of those clichés, yes, even in the 21st century. We get to drink beer, smoke cigarettes, curse... nobody ever complains. But appreciate what another male person is doing? Out of the question.

The total opposite of what women can do. They hug, kiss and talk about girly stuff. Nobody cares.

So, at the risk of total humiliation : my list of male people I like, because they mean something for me.
In either literature, theater, movie bussiness or every other aspect of life (mostly entertainment, though).

- Haley Joel Osment and Jude Law, for their absolutely amazing performances in "A.I. - Artificial Intelligence".

- Lev Tolstoj, for his classic novel "Anna Karenina". We were forced to read it last year in school and it felt like facing an impossible challenge (940 pages!). Instead, the book turned out to be an immensely enjoyable story that's overly complicated - some characters had four different names. Cheers, Stephan Arkadjewitsj Oblonski-Stiwa! - but a truly groundbreaking masterpiece. Recommended in every sense of the word.

- Francis Ford Coppola and Marlon Brando, for the first part of the Godfather-trilogy (I still have to see the other two). I found out that most girls see this trilogy as a "boys only"-production (at least, that's what an American girl said to me). I disagree, but it doesn't matter actually : "The Godfather" is amazing cinema. Marlon Brando is the only person to date who manages to speak loud (well...) and clear, when he mumbles! What an actor. Well-deserved Academy Award. The rest of the cast and the very capable direction from Coppola complete the movie. As would say, "one of those essential purchases". And right they are.

Julian De Backer, 22 August 2002