Morten Harket
Morten Harket, the lead singer of Norwegian band a-ha, is 50 years old. A respectable age for a musician.
But the man (the combination of looks and voice) spells sex. How do I know? An 18-year old girl put it like
this : "Morten Harket? He may be 50, but he could end up with me".
Well done, mr. Harket! You were a sweet posterboy in the 80's and you still are very wanted. It must be flattering. After all, this girl was -6 when a-ha
crashed the scene.
P.S. I missed yet another Belgian a-ha gig last month (cf. the '13 November 2005' post). I just don't have
any friends that like the band. I never asked 'that girl' about her musical taste before, so I had no clue.
Worse of all, a-ha will call it quits again next year. Come back for one more concert on our soil, guys.
You can't split without me having seen you.
Julian De Backer, 28 November 2009